Strange rituals take place at Svalbard

In March I made another sound/action piece. This time for Dans for Voksnes "Ultra North of Everything project" on the Island of Svalbard. Five different soundtracks were compiled of recorded and found sound, as well as three stories I wrote. The three stories were in Russian, Norwegian and English, as to make it possible for all groups to join in. When finished, I sent the soundfiles to Svalbard, along with a set of instructions for props, timing and location. Here are some video stills.

Sitting down together.

Holding hands as flash goes off.

Lighting up own face.

Lighting up the incense.

Passing the vodka around.


Thank you very much:
Torkild Jemterud
Marianne Hurum
Elizaveta Konovalova
Mark Rausch
Harald Fetveit
Dans for Voksne
and everyone who joined in!